SELF School is a community interest company working to improve emotional wellbeing and mental health for all.

Ask any parent or educator what they want most for their children and young people and the answer will be happiness and success. The question remains however are we as adults and the current education system modelling the idea of happiness as a metric of success?

We find ourselves living and working within systems which dictate a definition of worth and success through data, measurement, expectation and roles. I believe we are failing to recognise, nurture and empower the individual and the value this brings to society, wellness and life.

My name is Caroline and I established Self School in direct response to the mental health crisis we see today. The mission of Self School is to inspire positive change in homes and schools, empowering people with the knowledge and life skills to flourish and thrive. Self School brings wellbeing into the heart of education, creating, delivering and embedding transformational educational programs in the field of personal development and wellbeing. 

We aim to engage young people and those who teach, support and parent in the subject of their own emotional wellbeing and resilience, inspiring and guiding them to utilise this understanding to promote positive mental health in themselves and others.

I am thrilled to witness this current shift of values from Ofsted and after four years of delivering and refining content I am excited to present our new model to schools who are ready to implement a whole school wellbeing strategy and improve the emotional wellbeing and mental health of its community. 

IQ only contributes to 20% of our success in life…. the remaining 80% is the result of emotional intelligence.

Daniel Goleman

I envision schools of the future having parallel metrics of success for both wellbeing and academic.  

I envision happier, healthier homes and working environments aligned with values, strengths and purpose.

I envision communities having the skills and abilities to harness the power of thought, belief and emotion enabling winning mindsets, perspectives and practical habits to be developed, not only meet and overcome life’s challenges but also to experience real joy and fulfilment.

Here at SELF School we want to empower people to rewrite their own narratives, to become their true authentic self and reach their potential consequently creating a healthier, happier world.

I believe we can all be a part of making this happen.


Caroline Scotcher

Founder and Director